Thursday, June 30, 2011


December 1, 1955 was a big day in the struggle for American Civil Rights. That was the day Rosa Parks protested the Jim Crow laws which required her to give up her seat to a white passenger. Surely her actions were not easy, but I think it was probably made just a little bit easier by the strange young man who was sitting behind her that day, offering her words of support and also some of his Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.


It was December 3, 1968 when millions of Americans gathered around their television sets to witness the Elvis Presley Comeback Special. Axl saw this historic performance three times: Once when he was 4 years old (on TV), once again live and in person (having traveled from 25 years in the future), and once on cable last year they played it. But as you can see, the time he saw it in person, he made sure to bring along a chocolate donut to help alleviate his time-travel-munchies.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A trip to the country

Last week The Actor and I went to visit my Dad in Norfolk.  We had to hire a car as The Actor is learning how to do some fancy moves on a fixed gear bike for a role.  There was no way the bike was going in his 'Italian Job' Mini Cooper which can barely fit my handbag in.

I wasn't sure about the Vauxhall Insignia we hired with but it turned out to be a good car and you could have fitted a king


Most people are familiar with a cropped in version of this iconic photograph of five US Marines raising the American flag during the battle of Iwo Jima. But if you look at this full photograph, you can see that once again Axl had come back in time to see it for himself – and he obviously stopped at the mall before hand to pick up a corndog from Hotdog On A Stick.


Where were you when JFK was shot? When this question is proposed to Axl Rose, he's likely to respond “Well, the first time, I was just one year old, but a couple years ago, I was there again and saw it myself. And I had some really good seedless grapes.”

Not only was he there when Kennedy was shot, but he also there two days later, when (after being arrested for the assassination of President Kennedy) Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed. That was November 24, 1963. Axl had a Big Gulp. And if I know anything about Axl, it's most likely Dr Pepper.


In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. This photo raises a couple of questions: How was Axl able to breathe? And is that a Ham and Cheese Hot Pocket he's eating?


December 1941 (21 years before Axl Rose was born), as World War II raged on; Joseph Stalin, FDR and Winston Churchill met to discuss what to do about their little “Hitler problem”. This picture of the infamous world leaders was taken immediately after that historic conference. If you look closely, you can see that they had a visitor from the future in attendance – and that visitor enjoyed some corn on the cob.


Cassius Clay vs Sonny Liston: One of the greatest boxing matches of all time. And this photograph is evidence not only of the fact that Axl Rose was there (as an adult - remember he was only born in a 1962), but also that he took with him a box of Whoppers to sooth his rumbly tummy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Last

Ini adalah posting TERAKHIR

Apa yang terjadi ?
Sang Owner CTHgila tidak bisa melanjutkan kegiatan blogging,
karena ada sesuatu hal.

Sesuatu hal?
Apa itu?
Melanjutkan sekolah,dari SMP ke SMA ber-asrama di Magelang.

Siapa Sang Owner itu???
Nama  : CTH
            Christiawan Tri Hartawanto

Lahir   : Jakarta,21 April 1996


Terima kasih,
untuk semua pengunjung blog ini,                                                                                                                                                      
baik pengunjung setia ataupun yang tidak sengaja terjebak di blog ini,
dan terlebih untuk followers ( CTH addict's 
yang telah setia menjadi pembaca ataupun hanya melihat gambarnya saja setiap posting yang diluncurkan oleh .

Mohon maaf,
karena terlalu cepat blog ini diberhentikan.

Dengan ini


                                                                                                               CTH                                                                                                                                                                                                      Christiawan Tri Hartawanto

Monday, June 27, 2011

A belated thank you

Husam el Odeh
I recently went to my friend Husam's studio warming.  I blogged about it at midnight so Husam wouldn't have seen what I'd posted.  Later the same morning I was woken by my postman with a surprise 'sign for' parcel.

I love surprises and this was totally unexpected

I am over the moon with my present - a silver spoon encrusted in raw crystals from Husam's new collection.  Mary -

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mungkin ini Dapat Mengurangi Kesombongan Anda

>Sesaat sebelum mati, Anda akan merasakan JANTUNG berhenti /detak,nafas tertahan & badan bergetar. Anda merasa dingin ditelinga. Darah berubah menjadi asam & tenggorokan berkontraksi.

> 0 menit > kematian secara medis terjadi ketika Otak kehabisan supply Oxigent. 

> 1 menit> Darah berubah warna & Otot kehilangan kontraksi ,isi kantung kemih keluar tanpa izin.
> 3 menit> sel sel otak tewas.
Secara masal..saat ini otak benar2 berhenti berpikir.

> 4- 5 menit> Pupil Mata mebesar & berselaput. Bola mata mengkerut karena ke hilangan tekanan darah.

> 7-9 menit> Penghubung ke otak mulai mati.

> 1-4 jam > Rigor Mortis (fase di mana keseluruhan otot di tubuh jadi kaku).membuat otot kaku & Rambut berdiri. kesannya rambut tetap tumbuh setelah mati.

> 4-6 jam > Rigor Mortis terus beraksi. Darah yg berkumpul lalu mati & warna kulit menghitam.

> 6 jam > Otot msh berkontraksi. Proses penghancuran efek alkohol msh berjalan.

> 8 jam > Suhu tubuh langsung menurun drastis.

> 24-72 jam > Isi perut membusuk oleh Mikroba dan pankreas mulai mencerna dirinya sendiri.

> 36-48 jam > Rigor mortis berhenti, tubuh anda selentur penari balerina.

> 3-5 hari > Pembusukan mengakibatkan luka skala besar, darah menetes keluar dari mulut dan hidung.

> 8-10 hari > warna tubuh berubah dari hijau ke merah se jalan degan membusuknya darah.

> Beberapa Minggu > Rambut kuku & gigi degan mudahnya terlepas.

> 1 bln > Kulit anda mulai mencair.

> 1 tahun > Tidak ada lagi yg tersisa dari tubuh Anda. Anda yang sewaktu hidupnya 

Cantik, Gagah, Ganteng, kaya & berkuasa. 

Sekarang hanyalah tumpukan Tulang - Belulang yg menyedihkan. 

Jadi apa lagi yang mau engkau disombongkan ???

sumber :

Kisah Pelari yang Sangat Menginspirasi

Namanya adalah Derek Redmond,pelari pemegang rekor 400 m dari Inggris
Derek Redmond

Kisahnya terjadi pada olimpiade musim panas di Barcelona tahun 1992.
Derek Redmond mulai berlari, namun larinya terhenti pada 150meter. Derek jatuh karena cedera hamstring. Derek terisak-isak. Ia terkapar di arena lari. 
Ia bangkit. Ia berlari, sambil terpincang-pincang menahan rasa sakit. Beberapa official mendekatinya dan menyuruhnya berhenti, namun ia tidak menggubrisnya. Ia terus berlari. 
Tiba-tiba dari kerumunan penonton, seseorang berlari mendekatinya, setelah berhasil menerobos penjagaan pihak keamanan stadion. Ia merangkul Derek.
Ia mengatakan, "Nak, sebaiknya kamu berhenti. Tidak mungkin kamu bisa menang.."
Derek menjawab, "Tidak. Aku harus berlari sampai finish."
Orang itu berkata lagi, "Baiklah. Mari kita berlari bersama. Ulurkan tanganmu ke pundakku..."
Demikianlah, mereka berdua berlari sepanjang lintasan, sampai garis finish.
Kegigihan Derek memukau penonton saat itu.
65.000 penonton melakukan standing ovation pada saat ia memasuki garis finish. 
Derek kalah dari lomba, namun ia memenangkan hati penonton.
Dia mengalahkan rasa sakitnya, dan memenangkan lomba untuk dirinya sendiri.

pria yang mendukung sepenuhnya aksi Derek itu adalah ayahandanya,
 Jim Redmond.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A few quotes and other bits and bobs

"Whatever makes people happy they should just do it,cos time is a mere scratch and life is nothing"
Morrissey(b. 1959)
I've only switched my laptop on once this week.  I'm dying to catch up with all my favourite blogs but my concentration is lacking and I like to read and comment on things properly.  I've completely neglected blogging and trying to think of something short to post was hard

Stone Cold Sexy: Uschi Obermaier contact sheet

I scanned these from a big hardcover book a few months ago - Uschi Obermaier's contact sheet of photos taken by Werner Bokelberg. GOD, she was so freaking amazing-looking...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beautiful Bebe

Bebe as a young girl:
Early modeling shots:

With long-time boyfriend Todd Rundgren:

Todd & Beeb with Rick and Liz Derringer:
With Cindy & Alice Cooper:
Super rare, and one of my favorites of Bebe:
Blonde on Blonde, Bebe with Iggy:
With her baby daddy, Steven T:
(Very) pregnant with Liv:
With friends Cheap Trick:
With one-time boyfriend Rod Stewart:
With Billy Idol (photo by Bob Gruen):
1980 Creem:
Posing in a corset for Paula Yates:
Photo of Beeb by Mick Rock, 1980:
I thought I would do another post on rock goddess and muse, Bebe Buell, with more of my scans of her. Enjoy.  All images scanned by me. Please credit if you repost, and let me know if you would like them in my original, larger size!